Friday, December 27, 2013

New York

I'm in love with a city called; New York!!!!!!!


Der findes så mange skønne og smukke ting i denne verden, men der findes næppe noget så simpelt, enkelt og smukt som en frisk rød rose, en yndefuld hvid linje eller årets første påskelinje :)

Sir Fischer

I would like to dedicate this post to a lovely guy called Simon Fischer-Nielsen :D

"forskellen på sauce og sovs - Det hedder sovs når der er nok af det"

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Oh lovely lovely Copenhagen. 
The great city of Denmark!
 The atmosphere around in the city is just lovely, can't describe how it feels to walk around in the streets an early spring evening. Can't describe how it feels to walk around in the park, with beautiful cherry trees, who let go of it's punk leaves. And if you add a bit of shopping, great food, fun, laugh and nice company to Copenhagen, you have something that is almost perfect :)